Category: Latest News

  • somewhat recently

    This is the time of year when, for better or worse, almost all my time and energy is focused on planning SXSW — which I dare remind myself is only three weeks away. In an effort to better archive my activities, I wanted to take a moment and share some recent media before my brain turns to complete mush…

    » My “Who Gives A *!%# About Typography?” rant at Ignite Austin about Rock That Font.

    » An archive of my January 24th appearance on The Brian Lehrer Show in NYC.

    » A brief article I put together for TalentZoo titled, “Look Into the Future With Collaborative Frameworks” — inspired by my panel session at the MTO Summit in D.C. with Toby Daniels and Michelle Bruno.

    » An archive of my live chat with cohort Kelly Krause and Omar Gallaga from The Austin American-Statesman about SXSW Interactive.

    » And finally, I have a new post up on Rock That Font about The Hold Steady’s latest effort, Heaven is Whenever. Thanks to nicest-guy-in-Austin Christian Helms for sharing a bit about his creative process.

    More soon. I promise.

  • the tangled social web we weave

    I’m always surprised when folks inquire about whether or not to integrate social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook into their website. Many still express a concern for control, not realizing that their community likely shapes their brand more than they do. And for 9 out of 10 of these concerned clients, these online platforms are where most of their target audience is spending their time. Shaping (or not shaping enough as the case may be) identities 24/7, 365 days a year.

    If you are not actively collaborating with your community to develop your product, service or experience — you are behind the ball. In this day and age, your clients/customers/consumers expect nothing less than a two-way street.

    After all, it’s what good relationships are made of.

    With this approach in mind, I wanted to give a quick heads up that Rock That Font has recently added a new Facebook page to better foster community interaction and discussion (along with our Twitter account of course).

    Feel free to spark a discussion about your favorite records and fonts, as well as give us some “Like” if you so desire.