My personal resolution for 2014 is to be less concerned with following trends, and instead focus on working towards sustainable changes in my life. I’m betting the year 2014 will include some big transformations and challenges (not to mention turning “the big four zero” later this year).
With the above resolution in mind, I was honored to once again present at Eurosonic Noorderslag in January and participate in the BUMA Music Meets Tech jury.
While developing my keynote, I decided to incorporate my resolution into my talk at Eurosonic. Instead of just sharing emerging trends, I looked at industry changes through a framework of intersections between different sectors and what ultimately would have significant impact in 2014. As history indicates, once consumers get creative with a developing technology, it starts to really take off in surprising ways.
My slides (4.5MB PDF) showcased a number of topics of interest including 3D printing, micro-controllers, DIY Internet of Things, wearables, augmented reality, personalized medicine, citizen science and more.
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