“jack of all trades, master of none… though often better than a master of one.” – adam savage, mythbusters[*]
there’s a lot of talk these days about whether twitter and other micro-blogging services have killed blogs. while i tend to agree this is very much exaggerated, my own online publishing behaviors have suggested otherwise. (allow me to now disclaim the obvious: i’ve never considered myself a blogger.) in any case, i must now admit i am drinking a good amount of “twitterade.” which brings me to another pattern of “less is more” that has been emerging since the summer…
i’ve always been blessed with a variety of interests, hobbies and passions: various design and web projects, building and racing bicycles, writing and performing music, working on cars and much more. however i’m hitting that critical point where the necessary focus and discipline just gets harder and harder to maintain as the responsibilities grow. unwieldy. unsuccessful. unsafe at any speed. so i’ve decided it’s time for me to slow down. take deeper breaths. spend more time with those i love. smell the coffee. downsize. take the time to do things to the standard i want, whether that be a music project or finishing the bathroom cabinets.
therefore i’ve made some fairly dramatic changes as of late:
- pulled the plug on the paper south. this was by far one of the toughest decisions i can remember having to make, after three years of amazingly good times with the finest and most talented gentlemen around. i could produce a much more detailed and in-depth analysis on the subject, but in short came down to me needing to make music on my own terms.
- scaled down my freelance activities, which i have increasingly less and less time for due to the full-time job anyway.
- failed to renew my bicycle racing license. stopped shaving my legs. (you have no idea how much time this alone has saved me.) now riding just for the love of it. with less endurox, no agenda… and no particular place to go.
as a result of these and a few other changes, i hope to reveal two new special projects in the very near future. stay tuned… i can’t wait to share them with you.